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Thursday, February 21, 2013

A Nikon D7000 and A (not so little) White Dress

This Bad Boy came in last night. Quick, right? Thank you overnight shipping. Buffalo be warned. You will have lots of photos taken this weekend. LOTS.

Holding it in my hands last night I really forgot how much I missed taking photos. I CAN'T wait.

This weekend is also dress shopping weekend. Of the white variety.

I really can't picture myself in a wedding dress. I have tried to close my eyes and visualize myself in one, but all I end up with is a picture of a model. Not me. I have a feeling it’s going to be strange. Very strange. I predict tears too.  I don't know why, but I just cry and random times when I think about marrying him. (no babies in this belly I PROMISE) I think it's because I never really thought to much about actually getting married. Strange right? I mean I couldn't wait for him to put a ring on this finger.

I found this beauty on Pintrest:

And you can see why I'm OBSESSED. But A.) it's made in Brazil and not sold in the US, and B.) it's $4500. Um Yeah. No.

So here's to hoping I can find something that beautiful and doesn't cost more than some people’s cars. Or a horse. Or half my kitchen. But I can totally picture myself wearing that dress. Maybe it's because she kinda looks like me. If you squint your eyes and picture me a bit more buff and less 10-15 pounds.

Next week many updates on the house. and all of it's no molding glory.

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