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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Positives. Negatives. I'll take neutral.

WHAT?!? Do you mind? I'm busy here!
 *This picture has nothing to do with this post*
Carry on.

The living room. Ah. When we were in the process of purchasing the house (which seemed to take FOR-EV-ER) we planned out the entire house in our heads. Yeah. That worked out well. HA

Originally the upstairs living room was going to be 'my' room aka the 'lady room' and the downstairs family room would be the 'man cave' and where we spent most of our time. But the 'man cave' has really turned into the dumping ground of all things without a home. It is set up nicely (although we need lesssss furniture), looks fairly decent when de-cluttered, but is FREEZING. It has some serious energy efficiency issues that we are looking to address, but that's another post for another day. 

So 'my' living room aka the 'lady room' as become our main hang out space. It's no where near complete, but one of our first issues we addressed was to paint it. Can you guess the color? Grey? Good guess. I have a seriously love affair with the color and all of it's wonderful shades of beauty. Sometimes Krys gets a little jealous of that love affair, but for the most part he respects it. 

The previous homeowners had a love affair with a semi-gloss blue. Why? I will never no. But they had a lot of bad tastes. Especially in electricians.

That blue is all sexxy with it's shine and shimmer

The second issue that we felt needed to be immediately addressed was the floor. For whatever reason, the green stained goodness on the floor was just not going to work for me. So, I overcame the need to roll in all of its disgusting glory and tore it up. Actually no. We hired someone for that.  

What happened under that chair? Bad diarrhea? Maybe. Probably.

Not much is cheaper in Rockland County vs Buffalo. But for whatever reason having the hardwood floors done here was CHEAPER than it was in Buffalo. Crazy right? Plus, they put 4 coats of poly on. And, let's be honest, I don't have the patience.

So they removed all of the carpet and the TILE. Yes, tile. Because apparently it's a good idea to cover hardwood floors with ugly, nasty tile.

Tile and carpet removed

Then sanded (with a dustless sander!). Which left us with some great oak floors.
Bare Oak Floors

Then stained. All in one day. We picked a fairly dark color – we love the dark wood floors and thought it was grand. Then I saw it after day 1. I hated them. They were very dark. I thought we made the wrong choice. But it was too late. 

They came back the next few days and applied 4 coats of polyurethane. And I LOVE, LOVE them. I couldn't believe what a difference it made. Thank God – we did not just chuck all of that money down the drain.

My mother has been asking for a few months to see pictures of the floor. But I haven't taken good photos of the room in the daylight. So here is a little teaser. Just to torture here some more. Plus our cat is really cute in his cat-cave.

Monster in is Cat-Cave. 
Mmm dark wood floors. They look even better when you see the whole room and not just a cat in his cave.

Taylor will be really jealous if he doesn't get a pic. This was from a little while ago when we were still living out of boxes. Ok it's probably from like 2 weeks ago, before we did the closet. But really, he's cute.

This cuddle works a lot like this:


That's all folks.

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