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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Comparison Shopping - When to Just Hit BUY

2011 Photo taken at the Air Show where I meet Krys

I feel as though my life has been filled with comparison shopping. Trying to make educated purchases for the best available price. First, identifying the possibilities. Second, narrowing down by what the heck is affordable. Third, what really fits ME. Forth, where the heck to buy from. And FINALLY, clicking that 'purchase' button. Frankly in the world of online shopping this can be very overwhelming.  There are so many reviews and opinions our there it's hard to just narrow it down.  From wedding dresses to cameras and little things for the house.  My brain is literally a file box bursting at the seams with all of these decisions.

Planning a wedding alone can do that to you. How do you choose a photographer when there is so many out there? We looked at portfolios until I was ready to throw the computer out the window... or at him. It's so easy to find faults in every single portfolio. Let's face it, no one is perfect. Plus when you are looking at a snapshot into someone else's wedding, analyzing how it would fit into yours; it's enough to make you jump through a window. That's closed. On the 5th story. Into a bed of sharp nails. How do you look past someone's ugly dress, nasty choice of makeup, and a background that just is puzzling? We chose to look for people that looked happy in their pictures. Plus, a photographer has the power to influence your day in a big way. If all we took away from our wedding (besides being married) was pictures of people being happy, that was good enough for us.

We finally settled on Erica Hasenjager.

Between looking at other people's photography work, writing this blog, and looking at other blogs that I love - it’s really, REALLY made me miss working on my own photography.  Lately I have been on a quest to find things that will fulfill my need of creativity and sense of accomplishment.  It's something that used to be filled partially in my professional life, which lately just hasn't been 100% there. SOOOO I looked, analyzed it, and just made the plunge. This bad boy is mine:

Nikon D7000

I initially wanted a Canon EOS Mark II.  That is what I used while working at my previous company. However, $2,500+ was not in my budget.  The $300 incentive that Nikon was offering didn't hurt either.
Then it was time to find a place to buy it. I love the Google shopping feature, it can tell you very quickly who has the best price. But, I often find myself nervous ordering from a source I have never heard of. My fallback as of late has been Amazon.  I ordered a set of dishes through them recently.  When they came looking used, I filed a dispute and Amazon immediately credited me back the money. They also had a great deal that came with a nice lens. Score. Plus, it will ship today and I will have it tomorrow.

Now I just need some photo editing software. A purchase I have been putting off for a long time because of the cost.

Also a wedding dress. Hopefully that decision will just 'come' to me.

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