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Thursday, February 14, 2013

Rauhl, How would you feel about waking up with your feet above your head?

That's the question I found myself asking the customer service rep at last night at 10:30 pm.

Snoozing, asleep, snuggled in bed. BOOM. Crash. And a good WHAT the FUCK just happened. Yes. It deserved the f-bomb.

Suddenly, I was staring at my feet in a rather unconventional way. He was rolling into me. And my head was significantly closer to the floor than it was before I closed my eyes.

Our brand new bed had collapsed. The center support had given way. And the last time I checked I was not significantly over weight.

It looked a lot like this:

Um, this is not normal.

And why on my side??

Oh, because

Apparently the screws that attach the little legs aren't made to stay straight. (insert joke here)

So, I called overstock and talked their ear off about how pissed I was.  In the meantime he took it apart.

It works much better as a dog toy than as a bed.

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