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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

There has to be a before...before there is an after

I can easily become obsessed DIY blogs until I turn blue in the face, neglect everything else I have to do and fail to complete my own projects.  It's like reading a good book that you can't put down.  Watching someone else's projects unfold and being able to fast forward through the boring parts.  The creative writing (peanut, blood, brain cells, insert your own) in me always said "Self, why don't you write your own" but then I remind myself that I have a hard time committing to something.  But here we are.  And while no one is actually reading this blog at this point, I hope the future readers (because while I enjoy talking to myself, people start to look at you funny) will hold me to this pact I am making myself make and blog at least 2x a week. (I have also made a pact to go to the gym at least 3x a week.  Feel free to hold me to that too!)

Alas, I have moved 6-8 hours away (snow storm providing) from my friends and family and like 6 states away from my mother.  And it's time to tackle another house renovation.  The last time around I had the wonderful, amazing, and extremely appreciated help of my mother and the awesomeness of knowing a lot of contractors in the area.  Now... not so much.  Although it's not like I'm standing in the middle of the ocean, up shit's creek.  I now have the wonderful, amazing fiance who prior to this had never really had more than a drill.  The projects, both in scope and complexity that he has learned and completed in such a short amount of time continues to amaze me everyday.  He has really taken to the DIY.

Back in July we started the adventure of buying a home.  We looked at some real gems gnarly places until we picked this house.

A wonderful mid-centuryish house. Three bedrooms and 2 baths and built in 1958.  And NEVER updated - DIYers nightmare dream.

It has pretty bathrooms like this:

The Pink Overload

Please note: The sink inlay matches the tumbler , tooth brush holder, and more.

Oh, and incase you were worried - YES that wallpaper is on the ceiling too.  Specail. I know. But she's ours!

*No updates have been made to either bathroom.

More before pictures with a few after pictures later.

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